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Quantum Communication Networks

The research activity largely centered on realizing satellite-based and fiber-based Quantum communication protocols by exploiting quantum states of light. It consists of developing the cost-effective & compact satellite-ready single photon and entangled photon sources. Polarization is the mostly used degrees of freedom of light to encode the information in two-dimensional Hilbert space. Quantum Key Distribution systems over optical fibers and optical fiber networks are also being taken up by our School.
Our M.Tech students are trained in setting up entangled photon sources and several single photon interferometers. We are also involved in setting up the multiqubit cluster state generation for implementing quantum networks. Orbital angular momentum and frequency/temporal modes of light offer larger Hilbert space dimensions and can be exploited with enhanced security and bitrate in quantum communication. We are generating the non-Gaussian quantum states using the ultrafast lasers and reconstructing their phase space representation called Wigner functions.
Our M.Tech students are trained to develop:
- Pulsed single-photon sources with high modulation rates
- Compact entangled photon sources with BBO crystals of Type-I and Type-II
- High-brightness entangled photon sources with periodically poled crystals
- Hands-on experience in characterizing single photon and entangled photon sources using Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment and Hong-Ou-Mandal interferometers and single photon Mach-Zehnder and folded Sagnac interferometers interferometers
- Reconstruction of continuous and discrete variable quantum states of light
- Generation of orbital angular momentum states of light