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Cavity and CV quantum optics

In continuous variable quantum optics, the non-Gaussian quantum states are an essential resource for Quantum information science. Non-Gaussian quantum states are classified as a set of quantum states which has negative Wigner distribution. For multimode quantum states of light, the Spectro-temporal modes are the set of orthogonal modes represented in the Hermite-Gauss mode basis, which can be manipulated using pulse shaping techniques. These spectro-temporal modes can be used in both discrete and continuous variable encoding. In order to exploit the larger Hilbert space offered by the spectral modes, tailoring their mode structure to the desired wavelength is essential. We are trying to develop non-Gaussian Quantum states of light, mode selective photon added and photon subtracted quantum states of light using nonlinear optical crystals and ultrafast lasers.
1. Ganaël Roeland, Srinivasan K, Victor Roman Rodriguez, Nicolas Treps and Valentina Parigi,
“Mode-selective single-photon addition to a multimode quantum field”, 2022 New J. Phys. 24 043031.
2. V. Roman-Rodriguez, B. Brecht, K. Srinivasan, C. Silberhorn, N. Treps, E. Diamanti and V Parigi,
“Continuous variable multimode quantum states via symmetric group velocity matching 2021 New J.
Phys. 23 043012